COLLABORATE 09 IOUG Call For Speakers now open

While we’re still busy preparing for Oracle Open World, the IOUG, OAUG, and Quest groups have been busily assembling plans for COLLABORATE 09 happening May 3-7 in Orlando. Today, the IOUG opened their call for speakers on their website. Start thinking now about the topic(s) you’d like to present at the conference. The call for … Continue reading “COLLABORATE 09 IOUG Call For Speakers now open”

While we’re still busy preparing for Oracle Open World, the IOUG, OAUG, and Quest groups have been busily assembling plans for COLLABORATE 09 happening May 3-7 in Orlando. Today, the IOUG opened their call for speakers on their website. Start thinking now about the topic(s) you’d like to present at the conference. The call for speakers will remain open through the end of October, so you’ve got 6 weeks to think, prepare, revise, and submit your ideas.

You can be sure the RAC SIG will maintain our conference presence with events at the Collaborate 09 conference as well.

To help identify yourself as an attendee, be sure to join the COLLABORATE 09 Attendees group on Mix and/or add yourself to the event on Upcoming. I’ll hope to see you there!

Now back to the regularly scheduled OOW preparation action!

UPDATE (11-Sep-2008): The speaker submission page has a login box, just like previous years. However, if you have had a speaker account in past years you need to know that this year IOUG is using a new system and everyone has to create new accounts in the system this year. Hope you saved that bio somewhere else instead of execting to reuse it again! 🙂

RAC SIG Officers Announced

Thanks to everyone that took the time to vote in the recent RAC SIG elections. We had a very successful election with almost 600 members voting for the 6 open positions. The new board will be installed at Oracle Open World on Monday, September 22nd in Moscone South 306 preceding our RAC SIG Expert Panel … Continue reading “RAC SIG Officers Announced”

Thanks to everyone that took the time to vote in the recent RAC SIG elections. We had a very successful election with almost 600 members voting for the 6 open positions. The new board will be installed at Oracle Open World on Monday, September 22nd in Moscone South 306 preceding our RAC SIG Expert Panel session at 2:30 pm.

The new RAC SIG Officers are: Continue reading “RAC SIG Officers Announced”

RAC SIG Officer/Board Member Elections

All RAC SIG members should have received an announcement regarding the voting that’s now in progress for new RAC SIG board members/officers. There were several nominations received in July and early August and voting is open now to all RAC SIG members. Just login to the site and use the Elections tab to cast your … Continue reading “RAC SIG Officer/Board Member Elections”

All RAC SIG members should have received an announcement regarding the voting that’s now in progress for new RAC SIG board members/officers. There were several nominations received in July and early August and voting is open now to all RAC SIG members. Just login to the site and use the Elections tab to cast your votes. Make sure you vote for each office (nominations for each office are on separate pages).

I’m giving up my spot as the Events Chair and am running for the President position along with several other fine candidates. Please vote today!

In related news, I just posted the RAC SIG Events taking place at Oracle Open World 2008 on the front page of the site, so check those out (and add them to your schedule in the OOW Schedule Builder) if you’re planning to attend OOW this year!

IOUG RAC Attack!, Event Summary

As one of the organizers of the IOUG RAC Attack! event, I may have a slightly partial viewpoint, but I think the event overall went very well. The hands-on lab was especially popular and I think participants in the hands-on lab all got to learn at least a few new things. If you’ve been to … Continue reading “IOUG RAC Attack!, Event Summary”

As one of the organizers of the IOUG RAC Attack! event, I may have a slightly partial viewpoint, but I think the event overall went very well. The hands-on lab was especially popular and I think participants in the hands-on lab all got to learn at least a few new things. If you’ve been to Oracle Education training classes like I have, you know how it seems like you sometimes have to spend 5 days in training to get 1.5 days’ worth of material. With the hands-on lab at RAC Attack!, we provided guided exercises to demonstrate certain features and/or processes, but the whole day was more like “structured playtime” than particular labs that had to be completed. Continue reading “IOUG RAC Attack!, Event Summary”

IOUG RAC Attack!, Day 1 complete

Many of you have (hopefully) heard of the IOUG RAC Attack! event taking place yesterday and today in Chicago. We had a great first day yesterday with many great technical sessions and the first-day lab guinea pigs didn’t find many bugs or issues in completing the lab exercises and tests. Overall, the format is working … Continue reading “IOUG RAC Attack!, Day 1 complete”

Many of you have (hopefully) heard of the IOUG RAC Attack! event taking place yesterday and today in Chicago. We had a great first day yesterday with many great technical sessions and the first-day lab guinea pigs didn’t find many bugs or issues in completing the lab exercises and tests. Overall, the format is working out pretty well, though I think many people had a tough time choosing what technical sessions they were willing to miss in order to attend the hands on lab.

For any of the RAC Attack! attendees, please (really, please–like right now before you forget) drop me a line with your feedback and/or leave it here in comments. I am growing more and more confident that we’ll repeat this event at some point in the future. Plus, it’s highly likely that the hands on lab portion will be repeated at the Collaborate09 conference in Orlando in May, 2009 as well (sorry, no website up for it yet). Stay tuned for more details! So, if you didn’t get enough hands on lab time or have coworkers, peers or buddies that couldn’t make it to Chicago, there will be more opportunities for them to participate in the future. I hope Tuesday goes as well as Monday or better and I think it will!

My train is about to arrive in Chicago, so I’ll look forward to seeing today’s lab victims participants shortly!

IOUG RAC Attack! Register Now!

The Oracle RAC SIG and the IOUG are co-sponsoring the IOUG “RAC Attack” event and if you haven’t yet heard about it, you might want to check it out. The event runs for 2 days, August 4-5, in downtown Chicago and will bring together some excellent presenters as well as the opportunity for hands-on experiences … Continue reading “IOUG RAC Attack! Register Now!”

The Oracle RAC SIG and the IOUG are co-sponsoring the IOUG “RAC Attack” event and if you haven’t yet heard about it, you might want to check it out. The event runs for 2 days, August 4-5, in downtown Chicago and will bring together some excellent presenters as well as the opportunity for hands-on experiences via the hands-on labs that run throughout the event. See the RAC Attack web page for more details on the event.

As one of the RAC SIG board members, I’ve been involved with the planning and development of this event over the last 9 months and I think it’s going to be one of the best opportunities to get focused, high-quality education on RAC available today. Plus, you’ll get the chance to network with a group of people that are focused on RAC and it’s uses.

Of course, I’ll be there, so if you do make it to the event, please be sure to say hello. I’ll likely spend much of my time in the hands-on lab (when I’m not presenting my technical session) helping those that need it to build their cluster, test backup and recovery or exercise some new features.

Hope to see you there!

Collaborate 08, RAC SIG & other sessions of interest

Collaborate 08 is here and I’m in Denver already to prepare for the start of the conference. This year, I won’t be blogging a day-by-day accounting of my whereabouts and happenings. Instead, I’ll save up for a summary of what I saw, heard, and vibes I felt during the week. If you’re still one of … Continue reading “Collaborate 08, RAC SIG & other sessions of interest”

Collaborate 08 is here and I’m in Denver already to prepare for the start of the conference. This year, I won’t be blogging a day-by-day accounting of my whereabouts and happenings. Instead, I’ll save up for a summary of what I saw, heard, and vibes I felt during the week.

If you’re still one of the many that hasn’t quite finalized your itinerary for the week, check out these events from the RAC SIG:

  • Sun, 13-Apr, 7:30pm, Hyatt Granite ABC: IOUG SIG Reception (this is all SIGs, not just RAC SIG)
  • Mon, 14-Apr, 10:30am, Korbel 1F: RAC SIG Customer Panel
  • Tue, 15-Apr, 12:15pm, Korbel 4C: RAC SIG Experts Panel
  • Wed, 16-Apr, 1:30pm, Korbel 4F: RAC SIG Birds of a Feather

Also check out all the great RAC-related sessions happening this week. For convenience, the RAC SIG has assembled a summary of all the Collaborate 08 sessions related to RAC on their website for download.

Of course, I also would love to see you in my own sessions this week. Here is my presentation list this week:

  • Mon, 14-Apr, 9:15am, Korbel 3B: SSL, Load Balancers, Rewrite, Redirect, and More Advanced Configuration (2-hour expert session co-presentation with Matt Topper)
  • Tue, 15-Apr, 3:30pm, Four Seasons 2/3: Building a RAC Test Environment On VMWare For Free (2-hour expert session)
  • Wed, 16-Apr, 8:30am, Korbel 3B: Oracle Adaptive Access Manager: What, Why, How
  • Thu, 17-Apr, 9:45am, Korbel 2A: To RAC or Not To RAC: What’s Best For HA? Panel debate session (I’m the moderator)

When I’m not at one of those sessions or a RAC SIG session, I may be attending other sessions and will also be spending some time at the Piocon Piobooth #1619 in the exhibit hall (I actually have a real job!). My Piocon team members are presenting quite a few interesting sessions as well, so if RAC and IdM aren’t your things, check out these sessions as well.

If you’re at the conference and want to meet up, tweet me using (I’m dannorris).

RAC SIG Events at OOW

As the events chairperson for the RAC SIG, I wanted to make everyone aware of the events we have scheduled for next week at Oracle OpenWorld SF. Anyone is welcome to attend our sessions, though you’ll probably need a conference badge of some sort to get in (I recall that the room monitors are usually … Continue reading “RAC SIG Events at OOW”

As the events chairperson for the RAC SIG, I wanted to make everyone aware of the events we have scheduled for next week at Oracle OpenWorld SF. Anyone is welcome to attend our sessions, though you’ll probably need a conference badge of some sort to get in (I recall that the room monitors are usually pretty sticky about letting people in without proper conference badges). Anyway, here are the events we have planned. You’ll also find them on the homepage of our website.

  • Sunday, 4pm, Moscone West 2002-L2: RAC SIG Birds of a Feather Discussion Session, S292952
  • Monday, 12:30pm, Moscone South 310: RAC SIG Customer Panel, S291621
  • Tuesday, 10:45am, Moscone South 310: Panel Discussion: Deploying Siebel, SAP, Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, and Hyperion on a Grid, S291659
  • Tuesday, 12:15pm, Moscone South 310: RAC SIG Expert Panel, S291665

Besides great content at these events, you’ll find many of the RAC SIG board members attending, hosting, moderating, and participating in these events. If you’re interested in becoming more involved with the group, please seek out one of us to discuss how you can help. Also, we’re always looking for potential presenters for our live webcast series, so we may be seeking you out to solicit your participation in that as well!

Either way, attending these sessions or not, I encourage you to sign up for an account on the RAC SIG website. This will enable you to access our recorded past webcasts (on demand playback at any time) and receive email reminders about upcoming events.

See you in SF! Be sure to confirm the room assignments and session times as they sometimes change in last-minute planning by OOW staff.

IOUG Forum at Oracle Users Forum Day at OpenWorld

The IOUG Forum is shaping up to be a great program of sessions at Oracle OpenWorld on Sunday, November 10th. The Sunday program consists of more than 35 SIG meetings and technical sessions starting at 8:30am and running through 5:30pm. So, for those of you that are using Sunday as a travel day, you may … Continue reading “IOUG Forum at Oracle Users Forum Day at OpenWorld”

The IOUG Forum is shaping up to be a great program of sessions at Oracle OpenWorld on Sunday, November 10th. The Sunday program consists of more than 35 SIG meetings and technical sessions starting at 8:30am and running through 5:30pm. So, for those of you that are using Sunday as a travel day, you may arrive in time to attend the last session of the day starting at 4pm. Please check out our sessions using the online OOW Schedule Builder tool and add us to your personal itinerary. You can search the itinerary using the keyword IOUG and choose Sunday from the search criteria to see all the IOUG Forum sessions and meetings on Sunday.

In addition to the Sunday program, the IOUG was also given more than 20 session slots in the regular conference program. Those sessions are listed in a spreadsheet at IOUG’s announcement on OpenWorld events.

The RAC SIG is sponsoring several of the sessions as well as holding a Birds of a Feather session at 4pm on Sunday as well. Keep watching this site and the RAC SIG website for more details as the conference gets closer.